Kyung Jin
Have you ever been embarrassed at a classical
music concert hall? During the summer of 2003, my
older son was 9 years old. He got an assignment that requires going to the
classical music
concert and writing about the concert. I searched a internet to find a classical
music concert
program and I found a suitable concert for us. It was a school classical music
concert with
explanation. I purchased the ticket in advance online and I was looking forward
to the performance
day. My friend and her son who was 9 years old too would go with us.
The day afternoon my older son and I took a
subway to go to the concert. We arrived Seoul Art Center
in Yangjae dong, Seoul, around 40 minutes early. While we were waiting, I was drinking
coffee and my son was eating an ice cream in a cafeteria. There were many
mothers and kids in
the cafeteria like us. Soon, my friend and her son arrived there and my son was
happy to see
his friend.
After the rest, we entered to the music hall and sat on cozy chairs. While I was waiting the performance to begin, I looked around the concert hall. The hall’s shape was like a horseshoe and had three stories. It was very large and seemed like the hall had more than 2000 seats. As the concert time approached, the hall was fully filled with audience with exited faces and they were
earing formal suits. Finally, the orchestra started playing various instruments with conductor’s explanation. The hall was so quiet and solemn we only could listen very beautiful, peaceful and harmonious sound. I expected that there would be no difference between listening from the CD’s player and listening from a real performance. But clearly it was different. The conductor explained the song will be played before starting every performance.
earing formal suits. Finally, the orchestra started playing various instruments with conductor’s explanation. The hall was so quiet and solemn we only could listen very beautiful, peaceful and harmonious sound. I expected that there would be no difference between listening from the CD’s player and listening from a real performance. But clearly it was different. The conductor explained the song will be played before starting every performance.
Before the ending part, a soprano singer
started to sing a song “Queen of Night”.My son and I was
listening to the song joyfully but at the part where the soprano song high
pitched notes, suddenly my
son started to giggle with a small voice but the place was very quiet so I got embarrassed
the giggle would bother the audience and the singer. “Why are you laughing?” I whispered to
my son. “The sight and voice of her singing is so funny” he whispered to me. I gave him a
sign to be quiet with my finger. I tried him to stop the laughing and he tried
not to laugh, he
covered his mouth with his hand but it wasn’t. What’s more, laughing was
contagious to my
friend’s son and me. It felt like everybody was looking at us, so we lowered
our head but our body
trembled from laughing and my face blushed. The hall was so quiet that the audience
sitting next
us didn’t even say a word to us. They just looked at us intermittently. At last, the singer
finished the song and left the hall. After the singer leaving, barely we could
stop the laughing. It was for a while but I felt it was like an
hour. I think maybe some people had experience
like this situation in a class, in a church and in a theater, etc. and they
would understand
this situation.
As the
last song, the orchestra played the symphony Vivaldi’s Four Seasons that my
favorite song. My son
and I learned many things about each instruments, what symphony, sonata and concerto is.
I enjoyed marvelous beautiful harmonious classical music. Sometimes I remember ‘The
laughing at the concert’ and I feel the embarrassed emotion still. But my son
has a dim memory about
this concert. Since enjoying the first classical concert, I went several classical concert in
Korea and in NY, but in my memory, I’ll never forget only my first experience
the school
classical music concert and I think it’s the best.
These situations can be so embarrassing. But it seems like you enjoyed yourselves, nonetheless :)