Thursday, October 17, 2013

Fall Break :D

by DJ

My fall break was wonderful, because I could know many new places. On Saturday 12th, I went to New York City with my Brazilian friends :D I ate Brazilian food in the Queens, the food was wonderful and very similar with the original Brazilian food, I found the typical Brazilian barbecue :P .After we went to the Natural Historic Museum. This place is amazing because the museum is so big, it has enormous variety of expositions. Visiting this museum is one great opportunity for tourists who want to know more about their ancestors.

The Natural Historic Museum
 After this, I couldn't miss the chance to visit again the Times Square and go to the Hard Rock Café, since I lived in Brazil, I had the dream to go to this restaurant that has one amazing decoration and you can find original instruments of famous musicians.
Hard Rock Cafe - Times Square - NYC

On Sunday, I just relaxed in my room. But on Monday, I and the others international students went to the Palisades Mall that it is the 8th largest mall in America. There are many stores, such as Hollister, Albercrombie, Macy's and others.There I could to play bowling for my first time in my life, it was good experience, I loved to play with my friends. 

Bowling into the Palisades Mall
This next weekend, I am so exciting because ,on Sunday, I will go to Six Flags :D In the next week, I will come back to talk more about my trip to Six Flags… Bye Bye!


  1. cool pics DJ, I guess you've had a lot of fun :)

  2. I like playing bowling very much!!!! Usually, when I play bowling, my bowling score is over 100. Let's play bowling together next time!

  3. I went to same museum in NYC!!
    I want to play bowling...I like it:)
    You had a great fall break!

  4. I went museum!!!!! So nice!!
