Monday, October 7, 2013

My awesome weekend

 By Qiqi

    Last weekend, I did two things that created my weekend was wonderful. The first things is my conversation partner Kat invited me to have dinner with her friends. We met at SUB then walked down to main street. Actually, in the beginning I was so nervous because this is my first time to hang out with American friends without other people who can speak Chinese. Fortunately, they were friendly to me. Even though I couldn’t understand all the words they were talking about, but sometimes they would search online for me. I can’t believe that I didn’t go home until 12:30 am. I am so glad to meet them and having fun together. Other things I did on the weekend is apple picking! This was my first time saw the apple tree and sat on the big truck to get on the hill. And the apple and apple donuts were very delicious. There had many different shapes of pumpkins on the ground that made me want to carve the pumpkin as soon as possible, I can’t wait for Halloween!

1 comment:

  1. Autumn is my favorite season! And I'm very proud of you that you went out with American students and spoke English all night. Good, Qiqi! :)
