Monday, October 7, 2013

My first dance performance

By Qiqi

I still remember when I was in kindergarten, I wanted to be a dancer.  Teachers via this performance, choose who can be a student of dance class in the last year of kindergarten. This dance performance was held in a famous high school in my home town, so it was a very important performance.  
       When I got this chance I was so excited that I called to tell my family let them came to watch my dance performance, I daydreamed I was on the big stage with loud applause. Every day we practiced the dance steps led by the teacher, I kept up with the beat, kept trying to do the best. This dance was about birds of spring, so we waved our hands like a bird and imagined we were flying in the sky.
       Finally that day came, we went to a famous high school in my hometown. Everyone looked at us because we were wearing costumes like little birds with wings on our back. We all were red lipstick and pink blush on our cheeks, some of high school student pinched our faces and said “they’re so cute!”. We were so shy. Then we followed the teacher through the campus and found a place that’s off the beaten path that we can rehearse for the last time. Actually, I was excited also nervous because finally it was my show time but I was afraid I couldn’t do better at this time. I just really wanted to be accepted to the dance class.
       When the curtain opened and the stage lamp lit up, I saw so many people in the auditorium and everyone clapped their hands. After that, the music gradually rang out, the audience quietly waited for our performance and my classmates had already paid attention, but I didn’t. I stood on the stage and flustered look at the audience. I was looking for my family but there have many people and the light turned off so I can’t found where my family was. My brain was going blank and didn’t know what I should do at that time. Suddenly, I heard my teacher scolded me in the dark side of the curtain. I remembered that I was in an important performance, then I kept following the steps continue the dance. When the dance was done, there was a burst of clapping from the audience. I thought I had done well also really proud of myself.
       However, as I had not expected, I couldn’t take the dance class! When I heard about that, I was so sad, but my friend told me is because I love nodding off during the dance practice. Therefore I still don’t know which is the real reason.

1 comment:

  1. You must have been adorable as a little dancer. I'd love to see a picture if you have it!
