Friday, October 18, 2013

My Fall Break

By Renan Sales

    Have you been in a movie setting? do you remember the movie " Night at the museum"? I was there in the American Museum of Natural History in my fall break and it was amazing. I was so delight to saw those things which I saw in the movie and remembered everything, also I could see the President Roosevelt statue, which I took photos. However that Museum is very big and  even spent almost 4 hours  I could not see all the things which there are. Then from Sunday to Monday I, Nubia, Natalia and Henan, my Brazilians friends, were waiting for the sunrise and didn't sleep to saw the sun behind the mountains. It was crazy and very funny. When the sun was in the sky, we went to the Dunkin' Dunuts and had breakfast.
      Unlike  Saturday afternoon, on Monday I went to the 8th biggest mall in USA, the Palisades  mall. I didn't like the mall likewise I love the Museum, but there, in the mall, I had done one thing which was funny and cool, I played bowling with my friends. I liked to play with them because they are funny and I laughed a lot. For my fortune I won the match! Now I am waiting for the next break, the thanksgiving when the "black Friday" happens! :)      


  1. I heard that your score was great c:
    I envy you because I am not good at bowling...

  2. You had a busy fall break. I believe that you totally release yourself and had fun. Let's play bowling together next time.

  3. You had a busy weekend in NYC and in NJ! That bowling alley looks beautiful!
    Hope you had a great time again this weekend.

  4. I know the movie, Night at the Museum!! I like that:)
    I think you had very good fall break!

  5. i also like that movie Night At Museum! maybe someday, i'll visit this museum. You had an amazing fall break, that's nice :)

  6. I loved this museum too, it was amazing experience!!!

  7. I want to play bowling!!!

  8. It was so awesome to you!!I want to go American museum of Natural History!!
